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Sunday, December 9, 2012
Offshore puppy is 'maths genius,' as stated in owner
Human - 11:27 AMProud dog owner Lu Zesheng says your man happens to be equipped to train his two-year-old canine companion Spud to try to do arithmetic. Lu presents your questions, and Potato barks the answers.
For instance, when asked: "How substantially is 3.44 and 3.56?" Potato barks seven occasions which, as indicated by Lu, means your man realizes the solution is seven.
Too as having the ability to address math puzzles, Lu also says Potato has got an excellent memory and additionally, when requested the number in the team of China's very first aeroplanes carrier, the puppy barks the best response of "sixteen".
As indicated by China state tvs, Potato can even memorize cell phone figures and sometimes even people's ages.
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